Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Funnies From Today's Compound Words Lesson

(1) Me: "What are these words called again?" *Compound words*
A doesn't answer
Me: "Coooom..."
A: "Down."

(2) After I explained how "doghouse" was "dog" + "house," J. said, "OOoohhh. It's because sometimes people who live in houses have dogs."

LOL So cute. And hilarious.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Santa in January?

.:@ the preschool talking about snow:.

Mrs. B.: "What falls from the sky in January?"
Preschooler: "Santa Claus!"

Kids Correcting Each Other

:@ the preschool:

A conversation between two of the boys went something like this (but this is shortened):

A. says "free" when trying to say "three."
L.: "You mean 'three.' You said, 'Free,' but it's 'THree.' TTHHHHHree."
A. pauses briefly but then continues talking unaffectedly.

Oh no. Good thing A doesn't let things bother him that much. He almost ignored L.